Just like heart health and kidneys health etc, lung health is also very important!!
Not only fruits can be delicious for our taste buds but they can be amazing for our respiratory health also. There are some nutrients and compounds present in fruits and these would promote lung health. Consuming such fruits will improve our overall health also.
Various fruits and their role in our respiratory or lung health
Citrus fruits intake:
Oranges, lemons and grapefruits etc belong to citrus fruits and they have vitamin C in them. This vitamin is known for its antioxidant properties and would protect our lungs from damage due to pollution etc. By consuming citrus fruits daily, we would be able to lower inflammation in the airways and make breathing easier.
Apples intake:
We all love to eat apples for their delicious taste. Not many would know that apples intake could also boost our lung health. The presence of quercetin in apples plays an important role here. Quercetin is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties is a well known fact. Our lung function would be better and we would be free from asthma issues etc when we consume apples regularly. The digestion would be good by intake of apples with fibres and inflammation would be curbed all over our body.
Berries intake:
Antioxidants like anthocyanins are present in berries like strawberries, blueberries etc are known. Oxidative stress on the lungs would be reduced by neutralising harmful free radicals when we consume berries. Our lungs capacity would become more by regular intake of berries. This would lower the chances of getting chronic respiratory diseases etc.
Bananas intake:
One of the most easily available fruits is banana, which is rich in potassium. In maintaining healthy role function, bananas containing potassium play a huge role. It must be noted that potassium maintains fluid balance in us. There would be proper contraction of muscles and this would include muscles for breathing also. There would be an optimum flow of oxygen throughout the body.
Pineapples intake:
It is well known that pineapples have bromelain, an enzyme known for its anti-inflammatory properties on the respiratory tract. Intake of pineapples having bromelain would break down mucus present in the airways and this would relieve breathing issues. There would be congestion relilief plus improvement in the overall lung health by eating this fruit.