It is not always that the cancers are incurable. Truth is that when diagnosed in the earlier or beginning stage itself then cancer could be treated.
Usually, the signs of cancer do not get noticed in the beginning itself and the patients reach the doctors when cancer has already progressed. It is known that cancer is an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in the body.
There are few pre cancer signs that would warn us about the presence of cancer like
Recurrent fever at nights:
The important fact is that the fever we experience due to cancer is totally different to the fever due to cancer. There are certain signs of recurrent fever that could reveal the possible relation with cancer. When there is no other infection in the body and when the person gets fever only at nights then it might be due to cancer also.
Change in skin color and texture etc:
Whenever there is a change in skin color and texture, then it must be considered seriously. It is necessary to check the moles regularly. If any change in size or color is observed in the mole then we must get it tested by a doctor.
Persistent pain:
The regular areas of the body get used due to the presence of cancer growth leading to severe persistent pain. Initially, the pain might go away after some time. But persistent pain must be given importance.
Breathing issues:
The presence of cancerous growth in the body is also shown by issues in the breathing. It is known tha fatigue or heart issues could also lead to breathing problems in us.
It is worthy to note here that the fatigue due to cancer and fatigue due after doing lots of work are not one and the same. The presence of sudden fatigue must be checked without fail.
Drastic loss of weight:
When there is cancer in the body, he or she could have unexplained weight loss. By paying attention to the body weight, cancer onset could be checked.
Body function changes:
Point is that we must pay attention to the changes in the body`s functions. Issues like sudden diarrhoea, constipation, issues in passing urine or stools etc must be given importance.
Sudden bleeding:
There would be something wrong in the body, when we bleed without any proper reason like bruises etc. Presence of blood traces in urine, stools or in the sputum etc would reveal the presence of serious issues like cancer etc.
Lump and abnormal growths:
There are chances of getting a lump in the neck, armpit, groin, chest and breast etc. If the lumps in these areas persist for a long time then it must be given importance.