It is true that kidney health and blood pressure could be managed by proper diet intake. The most important food that must be consumed without fail to manage these two issues is lean proteins. Lean proteins have low fat content and they play an important role. Various examples of lean proteins are tofu, fish, eggs, milk, yoghurt that is low fat dairy products, beans and lentils etc.
Reasons why lean proteins are good for the kidney patients:
Less work for kidneys:
Kidneys play a huge role in removing waste from the blood. It must be taken into account that a diet rich in proteins might strain the kidneys as they would produce more waste. This would make the kidneys function more. Intake of lean proteins would produce less waste and kidneys would have to work less.
Low in phosphorus:
Point is that lean proteins would control the phosphorus levels in us. By consuming red meat having high fat, large amounts of phosphorus would get accumulated if kidney function is reduced. Low amount of phosphorus is present in the lean proteins and the above issue would not be there.
Maintains muscle mass:
When kidney patients consume lean proteins, their muscle mass would be maintained, damaged tissues would be repaired and new tissues would be built. Lean proteins would not overload the kidneys as they are less in fat content.
Reasons why lean proteins are good for patients with blood pressure:
Low in saturated fats:
High amounts of saturated fats are present in foods like fatty meats, whole milk products etc. This would increase the cholesterol levels in us. Point is that saturated fats are less in lean proteins and intake of lean proteins would regulate blood pressure well.
Nutrient rich:
It is worthy to mention here that lean proteins are full of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fatty acids etc. By consuming lean protein, our heart health would be good as our blood pressure would be managed well.
Healthy weight:
When a person i is overweight, then his/her blood pressure would get increased. By intake of lean proteins, the person would be able to maintain ideal body weight. By this, the blood pressure would be managed well.
How can kidney and BP patients include lean protein in their diet?
It is now confirmed that consuming lean protein would be very beneficial for the kidney and blood pressure patients. The next step would be regarding ways to incorporate lean proteins in the diet. The non-vegetarian patients can consume skinless poultry like chicken or turkey etc as they are low in fat. 
It must be noted that these patients can consume fishes such as salmon, mackerel etc that are rich in lean proteins. The vegetarian patients can consume beans or lentils as they are superb substitutes for meat. While selecting yoghurt etc, low fat varieties must be preferred. Finally, instead of frying proteins, grilling/steaming proteins must be preferred by the patients.