Located in the upper part of our stomach, the pancreas is a very important organ that produces digestive enzymes and hormones for our body. Point is that lipase is a fat digesting enzyme and it is produced by pancreas. In addition, the pancreas is also responsible for the production of lipase, amylase and protease etc plus in the production of insulin to digest sugar in the body.
In some persons, pancreas present in them would get damaged due to reasons like presence of high levels of calcium in the blood, due to certain medicines, stomach injury etc.
Those with damaged pancreas would show these important symptoms
Abdominal pain:
If the pancreas doesn`t function properly, then we could get severe pain in our abdomen. It must be taken into account that because of poor digestion there is a disturbance in enzymes and bile juice in the body. As a result of this, we could get pain, inflammation of pancreas etc.
Weight loss:
The release of nutrients from the food would reduce if our pancreas gets damaged. In such cases, the body would not absorb the food we consume and this could lead to weight loss.
Vomiting & nausea etc:
The secretion of enzymes that would digest food would rescue when there is an issue with respect to pancreas. The person would have symptoms like vomiting and nausea etc. It must be noted that when a person eats oily foods then the pancreas would not be able to break down fat and this would lead to vomiting and nausea etc.
Frequent diarrhoea could also be due to pancreas issues in us. Unable to digest fat and protein by our body could lead to diarrhoea. 
Pancreas based disorder would also be revealed by the immediate bloating after consuming foods. Here, the pancreas would not produce gastric acid to digest the food.  This would lead to bloating issues.