If you skip your breakfast often, then please be careful!!
It is true that maintaining good health requires more than just good eating and exercising. Not many of us would be aware of the fact that there are certain daily common habits that can increase the chances of getting health issues like diabetes and blood pressure or BP in us. These habits might appear harmless but in the long term these habits could lead to serious health issues. Diabetes is a condition where there is elevated level of blood glucose and it could damage our heart, eyes, kidneys etc. By blood pressure or BP, we refer to the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries.
Please be careful about these common habits that can increase the chances of getting both diabetes and blood pressure.
By skipping breakfast:
The most important meal of the day is breakfast. Our body`s metabolic process would get disrupted when we avoid breakfast. By this, we could get issues like diabetes and blood pressure etc. So, please take care and do not skip breakfast at any cost.
By sitting for longer periods:
Whether it is a desk based job or binge watching shows, many of us sit for hours together these days. Fact is that this kind of sedentary lifestyle is associated with diabetes and BP. It was brought out by a research study that extended periods of sitting could lead to poor blood sugar control and high insulin levels etc. The efficiency of blood flow would get reduced by just sitting and this could lead to blood pressure.
By not having sound sleep:
For our overall health to be good, sound sleep is a must. There are more chances of getting metabolic disorders due to irregular sleep patterns and insufficient sleep etc. For our body to recover well and for the regulation of stress hormones, sleep is necessary for us. Please take care.
By excess intake of processed foods:
Unhealthy fats, sugars and sodium etc present in the processed foods would lead to serious health issues in us. It is noteworthy that excess intake of processed foods could lead to weight gain, insulin resistance and hypertension etc.
By being on stress always:
There are more chances of getting diabetes and BP when we are in constant stress. During stress, our body would release a hormone called cortisol and this would increase our blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled stress could lead to hypertension too in the long run.
By excess intake of sugary drinks:
Many of us consume sugary drinks like sodas, energy drinks etc frequently. Over time, these could lead to BP and diabetes in us. The added sugars in these drinks can lead to insulin resistance. High calorie content and poor nutritional value of these sugary drinks could result in weight gain and blood pressure etc.
By not exercising regularly:
For managing BP and diabetes, it is essential to dodo exercises or physical activity regularly. By doing physical activity, our insulin would get used by the body more effectively. This would lower the blood sugar levels. Regular exercising would help us to lose weight and BP would be managed well. For the sake of good health, it is essential that we must perform atleast 150 minutes of physical activity.