For our health to be good and in the right amounts, our body needs a fat-like waxy substance and this is cholesterol. It must be noted that when the cholesterol levels become unhealthy then the condition is called high blood cholesterol. There are many reasons for high cholesterol levels in us such as consuming high fatty foods, not exercising enough, being overweight, smoking etc. Point is that the signs of high cholesterol in us would be revealed in our legs.
These signs are
Severe leg pain:
We could get PAD or peripheral artery disease due to high cholesterol in us. Here, the cholesterol would build up in the arteries of the legs. This would lead to cramping, pain, aching in the legs during physical activity etc.
Weakness or fatigue:
Our legs would feel weak and fatigued due to the reduced flow of blood resulting from cholesterol related arterial blockages.
Numbness or tingling sensation:
It is worthy to note that high cholesterol in us would be indicated by numbness, tingling feeling etc in the legs. So, please take care.
Cold feet:
This is also one important sign of high cholesterol in the legs. The arterial narrowing due to cholesterol would lead to poor blood circulation. This would lead to cold feet even during warm environments.
Reduced hair growth or hair loss on legs:
When the flow of blood to the legs gets reduced, then there would be hair loss or reduced hair growth on the legs especially in those areas affected by arterial blockages.
Changes in skin:
We could get skin changes like shiny, smooth or tight skin in our legs when cholesterol gets built up in the leg arteries.
Weak pulse:
Arterial blockages caused due to cholesterol deposits would lead to reduced or absent pulses in feet and legs. There would be compromised blood flow in these areas of our body.
Foot ulcers:
Those persons with diabetes would get foot ulcers due to cholesterol related arterial narrowing. Getting ulcers in the foot would indicate the presence of high cholesterol.
Tissues would be deprived of oxygen and nutrients etc due to severe arterial blockages and this would happen in the advanced stages of PAD. The person could develop gangrene. It is shocking to mention here that in the extreme cases doctors might even amputate the legs of such persons.