While passing urine do you get a burning kind of sensation or pain?
An underlying condition present in the urinary system is revealed by burning sensation or pain during urinating. This is also known as dysuria. This issue must be treated without fail. Truth is that most people respond well within a few days after treatment.
There are many reasons for burning sensation while urinating and these are
Presence of UTI:
Painful urination in both the genders is mostly due to UTI or urinary tract infections. When bacteria E. coli invade the urinary tract, this would occur. There are symptoms like burning sensation while peeing, frequent urinations, smelly urine etc.
Bladder infections or cystitis:
It must be noted that urinary bladder inflammation due to UTIs or irritation due to the presence of chemicals in soaps etc could cause painful urination in us.
Kidney or urinary bladder stones:
In some persons, minerals could deposit in the urinary tract and it can lead to sharp radiating pain during urination. This is also an important reason for pain while urinating.
Sexually transmitted infections or STIs:
Urethra can get inflamed by STIs or sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhoea or chlamydia etc. This could also result in pain during urination.
Interstitial cystitis:
A chronic condition that can lead to discomfort in urethra and bladder during urination is interstitial cystitis. It is also called as painful bladder syndrome.
Infection or irritation etc could cause inflammation or urethra. This would lead to painful urination too, especially at the end.
When the prostate gland gets inflamed, then we could feel pain during or after urination. This is alo an important reason.
Dehydration can lead to many issues in us and paiainful urination can also be due to dehydration. Inadequate intake of water can irritate the urinary bladder leading to discomfort.
Sexual activity etc:
There are possibilities of getting pain while urinating when we get irritation during the sexual activity.
Bladder cancer:
Truth is that bladder cancer is rare but it can also be responsible for painful urinations.