An important mineral that is not given much importance is iodine. Point is that iodine plays a huge role in the production of thyroid hormones plus in metabolism and in the brain functions etc. Sometimes, our body would not have enough iodine and due to this our body would show certain signs. These signs get ignored by us.
The signs of iodine deficiency in us are
Puffiness in face or swelling around eyes:
Iodine deficiency in us is shown by the persistent puffiness around the face or swelling in the eyes etc. The fluid balance in us would get disrupted by poor iodine levels and this would be shown as swelling etc.
Lump or hoarseness in throat:
If your voice becomes hoarse all of a sudden then it could be due to an enlarged thyroid gland and due to iodine deficiency etc. So please be careful.
Irregular heartbeat:
Deficiency of iodine is also shown by very low heart rate. It is noteworthy that we would have a healthy heart rate if we have enough iodine. Truth is that when iodine levels go down then our heart would struggle to maintain its rhythm.
Mood swings or irritation:
While it is normal to have ups and downs in life, it is abnormal to have sudden and unexpected mood swings or increased irritation etc.
Numbness or tingling feel:
Sometimes, we might ignore the numbness or tingling sensation in our hands and feet. This can be due to iodine deficiency. It is believed that low iodine levels could slow down the nerve functions resulting in these sensations.
Menstrual irregularities:
It is true that deficiency of iodine in women could lead to irregular periods, heavy menstrual flow etc.
Slow healing of wounds:
If the cuts, bruises etc take a longer time to heal, then it could be due to iodine deficiency. Our body`s repair process would get impaired due to iodine deficiency.
Treating iodine deficiency:
It is possible to treat iodine deficiency by intake of more iodine containing foods, using iodised salts and taking iodine based supplements etc.