For our skin, joints and connective tissues etc to be healthy, collagen or protein is necessary. Collagen is also known as glue maker as it helps in binding. Collagen plays a huge role in our gut health, heart health, lowering joint pains plus reducing wrinkles and improving gum health etc.
There some foods that we must consume for the sake of collagen and these are
Intake of citrus fruits:
Vitamin C will stimulate collagen production and hence we must eat fruits rich in this vitamin. Examples are citrus fruits like lemons, oranges etc. It is worth noting that vitamin C would convert proline into hydroxyproline that is needed for strong and healthy tissues etc
Intake of tomatoes:
Lycopene that is present in the tomatoes will protect us from UV damage. It would also support antioxidants to increase skin resilience and skin elasticity.
Intake of garlic:
Collagen production would be stimulated by sulphur present in garlic. Moreover, it would also prevent breakdown of collagen from environmental stressors.
Intake of berries:
Various examples of berries are strawberries, blueberries and raspberries etc. Intake of these berries would provide us with vitamin C and antioxidants. These would prevent collagen from free radical damage plus play a role in nourishing skin health.
Intake of fish etc:
By consuming fishes like salmon, mackerel etc that have omega- 3s, our skin collagen would be protected.
Intake of leafy greens:
Collagen precursors would be promoted by means of chlorophyll present in the leafy greens. These would fight against free radicals that could lead to skin and connective tissues degradation.
Intake of bone broth:
It is known that bone broth refers to the liquid produced by boiling animal bones and connective tissues etc. This liquid has collagen, gelatine etc. Consuming bone broth would help in maintaining connective tissues plus skin elasticity etc.
Intake of beans:
Lysine is an amino acid that is needed to produce collagen and this amino acid is present in the beans. The presence of copper in beans would help in synthesis of collagen.
Intake of cashews:
When we eat cashews, collagen synthesis would be boosted. Cashews have zinc and copper and these 2 would help in collagen production.