When there is a lack of essential minerals in our bodies, then we could get mineral deficiencies. It is known to us that minerals play an important role in us. Minerals are needed for bone health plus they play a part in the energy production, nerve function etc. For our overall health to be good, it is necessary to consume minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium etc.
There are few reasons for mineral deficiencies in us like poor dietary intake, issues due to absorption, excessive loss through sweating etc. Complications due to mineral deficiencies can be avoided by addressing early signs.
Mineral deficiencies are shown by these important signs.
Fatigue/ weakness (Iron deficiency):
It is noteworthy that iron deficiency would reduce haemoglobin production and impair oxygen transport in the blood. It could result in weakness, fatigue, poor concentration etc.
Muscle cramps (Magnesium deficiency):
For muscle function, magnesium is needed and magnesium deficiency could result in muscle cramps, spasms etc. There are also chances that we could get restless leg syndrome etc due to lack of this important mineral.
Brittle hairs and nails (Zinc or calcium deficiency):
For tissue repair and cell growth, zinc is needed and calcium would provide strength to nails, hairs etc. We could get hair thinning, brittle nails etc due to the deficiency.
Irregular heartbeat (Potassium deficiency):
Heart rhythms are regulated by potassium and its deficiency could lead to palpitations, arrhythmias etc. Certain medications or dehydration etc could lead to low potassium in us.
Frequent infections (Zinc deficiency):
For the functioning of the immune system, zinc is essential. We could get frequent cold, respiratory based infections etc due to zinc deficiency.
Tingling or numbness (Calcium or Magnesium deficiency):
We could get tingling sensation or numbness or pins and needles type pain in hands, feet etc if we have poor calcium or magnesium in us.
Swelling and water retention (Sodium deficiency):
Fluid balance in us is regulated by sodium and any deficiency could lead to swelling in hands or feet etc. In addition, the person could also have irritation, confusion etc.
Dry skin and slow wound healing (Zinc/copper deficiency):
For skin repair etc, zinc is essential and for collagen production copper is needed. If there is any deficiency of zinc or copper then we could get dry flaky skin etc. Wound healing would take more time.
Poor appetite and delayed growth (Multiple mineral deficiencies):
In the children especially, deficiency in zinc, magnesium or potassium could affect growth. In the adults, weight loss, energy reduction etc would be present.
It is possible to avoid long term effects of mineral deficiencies by early detection and by making dietary adjustments etc.