The Coronavirus infection has not gone completely even now and in this scenario there is now another deadly infection that has been creating issues for many now.
This new deadly infection is parrot fever or psittacosis. The point is that WHO or World Health Organisation has reported a severe outbreak of this deadly infection in Europe. Important piece of information is that the parrot fever has killed 5 persons. In 2023 itself, the outbreak of parrot fever was witnessed and it has persisted into the beginning of 2024 also.
A bacteria belonging to the Chlamydia family is responsible for parrot fever. It is noteworthy that this disease is acquired from birds and not from parrots alone. Wild as well as domesticated birds and poultry could transmit parrot fever. Persons affected by parrot fever would show many symptoms like fever, chills, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dry coughs and headaches etc. Point is that the symptoms begin in the person from 5 to 14 days after exposure.
Birds with the bacterial infection would show several symptoms like reduced appetite, weight loss, discharges from eyes etc.
Ways of spreading of infection:
It is learnt that persons who get exposed to birds could get the deadly disease. When the infected birds breathe or excrete, then the infection would spread to the person.
It was brought out by the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention that inhaling small dry and dust particles of bird droppings or secretions could affect a person. Spreading of the deadly infection from birds to humans is also possible when the person gets bitten by the infected bird or through beak to mouth contact.
Treatment etc:
Antibiotics and other medications are given to the affected person. It is important to mention that when left untreated the infection can lead to pneumonia, inflammation of heart valves, hepatitis etc.