There are many health conscious people who prefer to eat avocados for their health and due to this reason the popularity of avocados has grown immensely in recent times. The avocados belong to the Lauraceae family and are known by the scientific name Persia Americana.
It must be recalled that earlier avocados were considered as exotic and they were unavailable at the markets. These days, avocados are available in the markets, restaurants, grocery stores etc. It is a fact that avocados are considered as a super food now. At present, more dishes such as smoothies, salads etc are being made using avocados are well known. There are many nutrients like healthy fats, fibres, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals etc present in avocados. Consuming avocados would improve vision, prevent osteoporosis, lower depression risk, improve foetal health etc.
There are many people who eat avocados in excess amounts without knowing that these could create health issues.
Eating avocados in excess amounts can lead to these health problems in us.
Digestive issues:
Though eating avocados can be beneficial for us but excess intake of avocados can lead to digestion based issues like bloating, diarrhoea, gas etc in us. Therefore, we must eat them in moderate quantities only.
Weight gain:
Many people consume avocados for their weight loss. Not many know that excess intake could lead to weight gain. The reason for that is avocados are high in calories and fat content. Truth is that a single medium avocado contains 22gms of fat.
Interfere with medications etc:
It is known that vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting. This vitamin is present in high amounts in avocado. When we eat avocados in excess amounts, they might counteract the effects of blood thinning medications like warfarin etc. This could result in blood clots also. So, please be careful.
Stomach pain, nausea etc:
Those persons who have avocado intolerance could get stomach pain, nausea etc if they eat avocados in excess amounts. Reason is due to our body`s inability to digest certain compounds present in avocado.
Causes hyperkalemia:
Potassium present in avocados would help in the regulation of blood pressure and boost heart health. Those persons with kidney issues must not consume a avocados in excess as it could lead to hyperkalemia. It is a condition that would cause irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness etc. So, please take care and avoid excess intake.