Are you a woman having issues during your periods, you are not alone!!
Every month, a woman who has reached puberty would get periods or a menstrual cycle. It is known that puberty refers to the transition from kid to adulthood and mostly it would be in the early to middle of teen age. Periods would last between 3 to 5 days. During these periods, girls or women would find it highly uncomfortable as they would have many issues like cramping, mood swings etc in them. It is true that periods would indicate several health issues present in her.
These are the health issues that are revealed by the monthly periods.
Irregular periods:
Hormonal imbalances are revealed by irregular periods in the women. Hormonal imbalance can be due to factors like stress, weight changes etc. Important issues like PCOS and thyroid disorders can also lead to hormonal imbalances.
Heavy bleeding:
Some women have heavy bleeding during their periods and this could be due to the presence of fibroids in them. Heavy bleeding is known as menorrhagia.
Missed periods:
It is known that missed periods are associated with pregnancy but it can also be due to stress, PCOS etc. Amenorrhea or long term absence of periods must be treated to avoid complications.
Pain during periods:
Endometriosis is revealed by excess pain during the periods. It must be noted that in endometriosis tissue similar to uterine lining grows outside the uterus. This can result in inflammation and pain.
Clots etc:
It is normal for a woman to pass small clots during her periods but bigger types of clots would show hormonal imbalance in her or the presence of uterine fibroids etc.
Unusual change in colour:
Healthy period is shown by the presence of bright red coloured blood but darkish coloured blood indicates the presence of vaginal infections, hormonal imbalances, cervical issues etc.
Early or late onset of periods:
Underlying health issues like delayed puberty or hormonal imbalances are shown by early periods (that i is below the age of 10) or late periods (that is above the age of 16).