Just like how we must give importance regarding eating breakfast every day without fail, we must also give importance for dinner and avoid making mistakes during dinner!!
This dinner assumes huge significance especially for those who are diabetic.  Making right food choices is essential for the diabetic persons. Bitter fact is that eating certain foods and beverages etc could lead to a spike in the levels of blood sugars. Not many of us would know which food would be good and which food would not be good for the health condition in us. This would make us eat foods that we mustn`t eat at all.
Diabetic persons must keep a note of these mistakes and avoid them during their dinners.
Not having a set time for dinner:
There are many people with diabetes who eat food at different times. One day, they eat their dinner at 7pm and the next day they eat their dinner at 9pm etc. This must be avoided completely. In this current scenario, it is very tough to maintain a set time for dinner. Point is that diabetics must try to reduce the time gap as much as possible. So, please take care.
Overeating carbohydrates based dinner:
There exists a bad reputation that carbohydrates are unhealthy to consume, but actually they are not. Those with diabetic conditions must be mindful of what they consume and on the type of carbs they consume. It is good to consume complex carbs instead of simple carbs. Point is that complex carbohydrates would have less effect on the blood sugars. It would be good to eat options like oats, brown rice, millets etc
Not including fibre in diet:
The most common mistake that the majority of us make during dinner is not eating enough fibre based foods. Po9int is that we must try to eat adequate amounts of fibres, proteins and carbs for dinner. For the sake of optimal health, those with diabetes must eat a well balanced dinner. When diabetics eat high fibre dinner, then their blood sugar levels would get controlled well. In addition, eating high fibre dinner would keep us full for a long duration. This would prevent us from eating unnecessarily.
Choosing unhealthy accompaniments:
Those with diabetic conditions must be mindful regarding the type of accompaniments they pair with their dinner. Truth is that avoid tomato ketchups, sweet chutneys etc. Never eat raiita by adding sugar to it. It would be better to eat homemadade chutneys.
Not exercising portion control:
There are many who eat excessive amounts of food during dinner and this must be avoided without fail. Not only eating healthy foods is important but exercising portion control over food is also important. Otherwise the blood sugar levels would spike. Please take care.