How many of us are aware of what inflammation is?

Point is that inflammation refers to our body`s natural response to infections or injury`s etc. In other words, inflammation is a protective mechanism that is triggered by our immune system to combat infections etc. Inflammations are of two types acute and chronic. Acute inflammation would occur for a short duration due to an injury or an infection and it could result in swelling or redness etc.

On the other hand, chronic inflammation is a prolonged low level inflammatory response that takes place in the body due to prolonged stress or autoimmune disorders etc. Bitter fact is that over time chronic inflammation could lead to more serious issues like arthritis, heart diseases etc in us.

Therefore, it is necessary that we must eat certain anti-inflammatory foods everyday to avoid serious health issues later on in our lives.

These foods are

Intake of turmeric:

Cucurmin is an anti-inflammatory compound present in turmeric is known. Certain molecules could result in inflammation in us and cucurmin has the ability to inhibit these molecules. Daily intake of turmeric would help us to manage or avoid chronic conditions like arthritis etc effectively.

Intake of ginger:

It must be noted that ginger contains gingerol which is a bioactive compound having superb anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Inflammation in the gut and in the joints etc would get reduced or managed by consuming ginger daily.

Intake of fatty fish:

Omega 3 fatty acids rich fatty fishes such as mackerel, sardines etc would lower the inflammation in the body. Truth is that omega 3 fatty acids would lower the production of inflammatory molecules. By this, it would be possible to combat inflammatory issues like heart diseases, arthritis etc.

Intake of leafy greens:

The presence of vitamin E in leafy greens like spinach and kale etc would protect us from pro-inflammatory molecules. Inflammation in the gut would be reduced and there would be easy digestion etc by eating leafy greens that are rich in fibres.

Intake of berries:

The vibrant colour and anti-inflammatory properties of berries is mainly due to the presence of anthocyaninins in them. Oxidative stress and inflammation in us would get lowered by anthocyanins.

Intake of nuts:

Healthy fats are present in nuts like almonds and walnuts etc. By eating almonds with vitamin E, we could get protection against inflammatory damage. By eating walnuts rich in omega 3 fatty acids, inflammation could be managed or lowered etc.

 Intake of chia seeds:

These seeds have both omega 3 fatty acids and fibres in them and consuming chia seeds would lower the inflammation in us. Intake of chia seeds would support our digestive health.