The cells present in the body would grow abnormally and would invade other tissues etc. This disease is termed as cancer. It is shocking to mention here that cancer would affect any person at any age. Cancer along with heart attack and kidney disease are responsible for the majority of deaths across the globe and this has been brought to light by research study.
How will you react if you come to know that cancer can occur due to the deficiency of vitamins? Surprised right!
It is known that vitamins play an important role in gene expression, metabolism, cell differentiation etc. Truth is that lack of vitamins or deficiency could lead to certain cancers in us.
Various vitamin deficiencies that can lead to cancer are
Vitamin C deficiency:
Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid and it is a water soluble vitamin. This vitamin plays a huge role in immunity plus in wound healing and collagen formation etc. It is said that deficiency of vitamin C can lead to lung cancer, oesophagus cancer etc. There are various foods that are rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes, bell peppers, citrus fruits etc. Consuming these foods would be superb and this deficiency can be avoided.
Vitamin A deficiency:
For cellular development, immunological response and for eye health etc, vitamin A is necessary. It is noteworthy that the active form of vitamin A retinoid plays a role in cell development and in the control of gene expression etc. Vitamin A deficiency could lead to certain types of cancers like stomach, oesophagus and lungs etc. There are foods like Carrots, sweet potato, milk, eggs etc rich in this vitamin.
Vitamin D deficiency:
For immune system functions, bone health and calcium metabolism etc, vitamin D is necessary. Bitter truth is that there are many people who suffer from vitamin D deficiency these days in places with poor sunlight or insufficient food intake etc. It must be taken into account that low levels of vitamin D could lead to breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer etc. Foods like dairy products, fortified orange juice, soy products and certain mushrooms are rich in vitamin D.
Selenium deficiency:
It is known to us that selenium plays an important role in our immunity. Truth is that selenium would lower oxidative stress in us. Inflammation in us would get lowered. It is shocking to note that lack of seleniumum would make us prone to certain types of cancers like skin cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer etc. There are certain selenium rich foods we can consume and these are beans, lentils, peas, lean meats, eggs etc.