Winter season would not only bring us fresh cool air but would also bring scalp and skin based issues or worsen them etc.
One common issue many of us have is dandruff and this would make us feel uncomfortable. The dandruff issue would worsen during the winter season as outside weather becomes cooler and drier. This would lead to our skin and scalp etc to lose moisture faster. Many of us might use indoor heaters etc to keep ourselves warm in the winter season without knowing the truth that it could dehydrate our skin and scalp. Point is that the lack of moisture would result in dry flaky skin etc. Our scalp in response would start over producing oil to compensate for the dryness. This would create an environment for yeast like Malassezia or a dandruff causing fungus to thrive.
During the winter season, we can try these various ways to reduce dandruff issue in us.
By using a moisturising shampoo:
To combat the dryness of winter air, we must use shampoo that would provide hydration. It must be noted that ingredients like aloe vera, hyaluronic acid etc in the shampoo are good for locking moisture. When we use a moisturising shampoo, then we can keep the scalp soft and hydrated. By this, dryness and flaking etc could be avoided.
By using anti-dandruff shampoo:
It is possible to control dandruff by means of an anti-dandruff shampoo. It is necessary to shampoos containing zinc pyrithione, selenium sulphide etc. It is believed that these shampoos would fight against the yeast that causes dandruff flakes on the scalp.
By avoiding hot showers:
The scalp would be stripped of natural oils when we shower in hot water and this could lead to scalp dryness. We might have more flaking on the scalp also. It would be possible to retain moisture on the scalp by washing with lukewarm water.
By limiting the use of hair styling products:
In the wintry season, continuous use of hair style items like gals, sprays could lead to blocking of the pores on the scalp. This could worsen the dandruff. By limiting or reducing the usage of such hairstyling products on the scalp, we would be able to keep our scalp clean.
By applying coconut oil:
Not many would know the fact that coconut oil has superb anti-fungal properties in it. It would be possible to reduce flaking in our scalp by massaging coconut oil and then shampmpooing the scalp.
By brushing hairs regularly:
The natural oils present in the scalp would be distributed evenly along the hair shaft when we brush our hairs regularly. The scalp must be kept moisturised. Blood circulation on the scalp would be stimulated by regular brushing of hairs on the scalp.
By means of indoor humidifier usage:
Truth is that indoor heaters could dry out our hair and this would lead to dehydration of our scalp. Adequate humidity levels can be maintained indoors by means of a humidifier.